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Modified from The Secret Squirrel

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Adapted from Gwyneth Paltrow’s It’s All Good.

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Eleven months ago, I decided to follow the advice of one of my health guru’s and definitively cut out coffee. For months I wavered between cups of coffee, black tea, and sometimes even green tea, but always back to coffee. But on January 1st, after the last sip of my Americano, I decided that giving up coffee would be my New Year’s resolution. Coffee—when consumed in moderation— has long been touted for its positive benefits, but for me, I saw it as a dark, acidic substance that was wreaking havoc on my delicate digestive and nervous systems. Maybe it wasn’t quite that dramatic… but as a migraine-prone individual, I knew it wasn’t for me.

To get me started in the morning, I rely on a small cup of warm lemon water. Lemons are one of nature’s amazingly nutrient-dense foods, possessing a laundry list of benefits. Rich in vitamin C, among other vitamins and minerals, they help jumpstart your digestive system in the morning, boost your immune system, and flush toxins from your body. They are even great for your skin.  It feels like a little luxury to concoct this yummy morning pick-me-up. I always use lemon and raw honey, but I vary the recipe depending on how I feel.

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