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I have to admit I never had pot pie growing up, but I think that this vegan pot pie version does a pretty perfect job of measuring up. It’s comfort food at its finest, and can be made somewhat effortlessly (as most of the time I have many if not all of the ingredients already in the pantry – onions, carrots, celery, garlic, and so on). This is perfect to make for yourself, or for a crowd when you want to give yourself and those you love a hug, or just when you want to stay in on a cozy night. 
My mom made this recipe over the holidays, and I barely adapted it, changing up the ingredient ratios a bit and adapting it to be one pot, but you can certainly choose to use ramekins or personalized pot pies as in the original. It’s great on its own, so no sweat if you don’t feel like doing any more food prep, but it is also lovely with a simple salad and some crusty gf sourdough bread, as the original recipe suggests. 

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This recipe is the Salty-Sweet party mix from Bon Appetit, aka a homemade chex mix, and made gluten free with lots of yummy gluten free pretzels and rice cakes. Here I included the exact ratios of crackers, nuts, etc that I used but feel free to change it up. Like the original recipe says its best to choose snacks with lots of nooks and crannies so all the amazing sweet and salty sauce gets coated and stuck into every little bite. I also added some extra garlic and onion powder to give it that classic “Chex Mix” flavor, but you can definitely omit this if you are not a big garlic / onion person. This is crazy addictive, so I like to make it when I am on the way to a party (today is Super Bowl!), to bring to the office (I made a double batch – I like to bring some goodies in on Mondays when I can!), or have a long roadtrip or plane ride ahead of me with friends. Trust me, this is a crowd pleaser!

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I like to call winter “soup season” – it’s one of my favorite ways to make the chilly weather much more pleasurable. Last year, the idea of hygge jumped across the pond and it’s a concept I embrace wholeheartedly. Most Sundays during the winter (with early, dark nights and chilly weather) I cozy up inside, put on some music, and make a warm, hearty meal that will carry us through the next couple of days.


Broccoli-cheddar is one of my all time favorite soups. The classic was a big comfort food in college, and this version is just as satisfying. The “cheddar” is made from a base of blended cannellini beans, vegetable broth, sauteed vegetables, and nutritional yeast, giving the soup that beloved cheesy flavor. The ‘cheese’ is blended up in my KitchenAid® Pro Line® Series Blender, which gives makes the creamiest puree. I add the puree back to the soup and simmer it with very finely chopped broccoli florets, which provides the perfect texture for the soup. There is also an abundance of hidden greens in this soup –  something I find much harder to fit in during the winter!


The soup is topped off with vegan parm, chives, and some delicious crispy chickpea croutons. I use these croutons on all on pureed soups, and in a ton of salads. Feel free to enjoy the soup with a big slice of gluten free sourdough slathered with ghee and flaky sea salt.

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I realized just the other day that I’ve been gluten free for almost a decade (since my sophomore year in college)! Thankfully we’ve come a long way in terms of gluten free breads and pastas and I don’t find myself missing much at all. The one thing that does still find itself at the top of the list for me is an everything bagel with chive cream cheese. The first time I had one at Sadelle’s in NYC was seriously a spiritual, nostalgic experience (I had bagels every weekend growing up)!


Now while I’m not trying to recreate a bagel at home (yet), for this recipe I combined my love of brunch, eggs, crispy potatoes, chive cream cheese, and everything bagels into one, easy sheetpan dish. The base is crispy smashed potatoes, which you can make a day in advance and warm up in the oven. Top them with the works (avocado would also be great here) and you have something along the lines of brunch nachos. Whatever you want to call it, I guarantee it will delicious!


I’m planning to make a huge sheetpan of these ‘nachos’ or smash for New Year’s day brunch. Easy, satisfying, gorgeous and sure to mop up any remnants of the night before. Your guests will thank you!

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This recipe borrows some serious inspiration from Erewhon’s, my favorite organic grocer in LA. The prepared food section is seriously next level, and their paleo tartine has quickly become one of my favs. It starts with sweet potato toast, which is then topped with garlicky kale, crispy shiitake (at Erewhon’s real bacon!) and all pulled together with a fried egg.

Sweet potato toast can really be your blank canvas. I like to make them extra savory by pairing these tartines with raw sauerkraut and everything bagel spice. Other ideas for sweet potato toasts: top with sliced avocado and vegan parm, or vegan chive cream cheese and a thinly sliced hard boiled egg, (or go sweet!) and roast in coconut oil and drizzle with almond butter and raspberry chia jam. Easy enough to make just for yourself and fancy enough for guests – these will be sure to enter your weekly rotation!

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